7 years agoSeasoned Ace
Alien/Vampire Hybrid
I have been told and also read that hybrids are not possible in The Sims 4. That it was too much trouble to go into for the developers. Nevertheless, I have a hybrid in my game. The father who is a vampire was abducted by aliens and impregnated. As I understand it, alien pregnancies are supposed to result in a 100% alien infant that you can choose to send back to Sixam. But if the abducted Sim is a male vampire and not a "human", the infant becomes a hybrid. It has happened in my games twice now. PS: I do not use any mods. Just to make that clear.
It is quite a buggy experience though. Below is a rundown of how my recent hybrid developed:
Infant stage
Dark blue skin, pointy ears, alien voice
Toddler stage
Paler blue skin (similar to the mother), alien voice in alien form, pointy ears in both forms, option to use disguise with a normal voice (bugged; changes to normal form didn't last upon exiting CAS, also blue skin persisted in both forms), Needs icon shows vampire, neither alien nor vampire icon above Traits in CAS
Child state
Pale human skin (#2 in list) in both forms, black hair and normal eyes in both forms, no alien voice in either form, Needs icon shows vampire, neither alien nor vampire icon above Traits in CAS
Teen state
Dark tan skin, fangs and pointy ears in both forms, alien emotional glow, normal voice in either form, has the option for both disguise and dark form (in vampire pie menu), Needs icon and sustenance need are that of a vampire
It is quite a buggy experience though. Below is a rundown of how my recent hybrid developed:
Infant stage
Dark blue skin, pointy ears, alien voice
Toddler stage
Paler blue skin (similar to the mother), alien voice in alien form, pointy ears in both forms, option to use disguise with a normal voice (bugged; changes to normal form didn't last upon exiting CAS, also blue skin persisted in both forms), Needs icon shows vampire, neither alien nor vampire icon above Traits in CAS
Child state
Pale human skin (#2 in list) in both forms, black hair and normal eyes in both forms, no alien voice in either form, Needs icon shows vampire, neither alien nor vampire icon above Traits in CAS
Teen state
Dark tan skin, fangs and pointy ears in both forms, alien emotional glow, normal voice in either form, has the option for both disguise and dark form (in vampire pie menu), Needs icon and sustenance need are that of a vampire