Am I the only one who never cared to play families or with ageing on?
While it's neat there is the option, I honestly have played with ageing off ever sims 2 introduced ageing. Only briefly did I play with it on and it's just not for me. Neither is controlling families. By the time children are in an age group they get more options, they have to waste most of their time on school and homework. With adults you can just do whatever if you use a money cheat.
Must say though I'm someone who has zero interest in ever having children.
I just prefer to play with a bunch of different adults, see how they interact with each other, set them on career tracks, maybe try some social experiments like put them in a prison, explore them being a supernatural, a mad scientist or otherwise having a pretty interesting life since I really don't care much for the mundane. I am already living that.
I also like the chaos, the unpredictable things. And that's something I do miss most in sims 4. It plays it safe too much, it always gives a way out. And that just takes away some much needed excitement. I made a whole survival house and all, put eight sims in the deepest basement and let each sim advance a level up if they accomplished something specific, each level granting some more access to privileges and objects.
All eight survived. Even after each of them made a wish at the wishing well while the hooded face showed. In a cursed haunted house. With a werewolf and a vampire among the group.