Forum Discussion

geekgirl101's avatar
4 years ago

Amusing book title parodies

Has anyone come up with some creative and amusing book titles and descriptions for writer careers? I noticed many of the ones already in the game are tweaks of existing books such as The Lord of the Swings (Lord of the Rings), The Frequently Ending Story (Neverending Story) and The Glutton Spiel (Hunger Games), so I thought I'd make a few of my own when I joined the Freelancer writing career. Here's a few of my own:

Dorie in Adventureland (Children's)
Dorie follows a unicorn through a portal into an alternate world full of adventure.

Just Malcolm (Children's)
The pranks and misgivings of a teenager called Malcolm and his renegade friends.

Five-Second Bedtime Stories (Children's)
Young readers will be whisked away to over 50 new and exciting five-second adventures designed to quickly entertain.

The World Without Autonomy (Non-Fiction)
What would the world be like if we had no free will of our own, would an invisible hand guide us to do every day things and interactions?

Nothing to do About Something (Romance)
Four people fall in love, then they don't, then they fall in love again. Nothing happens and everyone is left hanging in a limbo.

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