Forum Discussion

Fanphoria's avatar
3 years ago

Anyone else have a problem going back to old saves after patches and getting new packs?

I have this issue where it's often hard for me to return to a save I have going--even if I genuinely want to get back to it and the story I have going there--after getting a new pack, or after there's been a significant content update patched into the game. It just feels like the game is no longer the same universe that save started in, and it feels incongruent to me, and since there's not an easy way to turn specific packs on and off (I know there's a way, but it's not very intuitive or simple for someone like me), let alone undo a patch update for only specific saves, I find myself just feeling weird about it.

To be clear, I'm aware this is a very much a ME issue, and I'm just posting this to ask if anyone else can relate, and it so, what do you do to cope with/overcome it? Please, talk my weird brain into understanding that it's not that big a deal lol.
  • I love working new content into an existing save. Especially a long-running save where I don't have a plan from one generation to the next what they will do. The new content helps give the new generation a different feel and different options in life.
  • DaWaterRat's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    It honestly depends, for me, on how long it takes for mods to update. If I was using a lot of key mods or CC that broke with a patch and I don't know when/if they'll update... odds are, I won't return to the save even once the mods/cc are updated. "Key" in this case being mods that actively change gameplay, such as the chemistry system mod, or else custom traits/careers/aspirations/etc.

    It's actually one of the reasons why I've been trying to cull my mods so much, and why I try to run test saves before replacing my mods after I get a new pack - to remind myself that the game doesn't require mods for me to have fun with it.

    But I do get what you're saying. There's been more than one pack/patch that has made me want to emulate GalacticGal and start over, because it changed something key to my gameplay in that particular story... usually for the better, or it would have been if I'd had it before.

    As for what I do about it... I usually just start a new story. I see nothing wrong with moving on when the story no longer works for you. Now, if this means you're dropping your story every month... I can see where that might get concerning. But if the pack doesn't offer any direct impact on your current story (like Werewolves for most Realism players) then just try to see it as new families moving in to those shell houses. ;)
  • I find myself usually just restarting the family from the existing save. I did this when Parenthood dropped, for instance. This time, instead of abandoning my current save, I have created what I'm calling a Flashback save. My Global Superstar has grown into a YA, he earned this status as a Teen. Has married, has graduated Uni with a distinguished degree, and is the father of six children. He's also winning Best Song Accolades every week. I will NOT abandon this save. But I do wish to see this Sim in high school. Hence, the compromise is the Flashback save. I will marry the two saves together at some point and then write up in flashback form, Erik's own experience in the upper level of his education. I think this part will begin when his eldest child, Jamison, is about to begin high school. Unless, of course, this save turns out better in many ways than the existing one. Time will tell. And, yes, I am the GalacticGal referenced above. ;)
  • kind of when its some addition i have to test before i mess my main save

    usually i just start temporary test save and play that until i understand how stuff works again and can return to my main save

    if its more of story thing tho like " werewolves don't fit in this familys story" thats no issue cause i play multiple households in one save in which i can just play another household in which werewolves do fit without having to start whole new save