Forum Discussion

adamclark83's avatar
3 years ago

"Are They Really Interested In Me?"

As someone on here once pointed out, when Sims introduce themselves to others, the greeting the AI chooses is selected at random; it's not based on how the Sim really "feels" about them.

The problem is, when romance interactions are done on another Sim, it's player choice; we want our Sim to flirt with the person we choose. While the other Sim is receptive to their advances, sometimes they never reciprocate. That leads me to think that the romantic partner doesn't "feel' the same way and therefore not right for them. Even if the other Sim was created specifically for them.

The other night, I moved my teen Sim Jennifer Scott into her lovely beach house and had her meet and flirt with the person who was created to be the love of her life. They've got a 20% romance bar and Jennifer has done all the flirting; complimenting appearance, revealing crush. No, it hasn't been constant flirting. Her romantic interest has always been receptive to them but not once reciprocated.

I was watching an anime where you keep hearing the perspective couple's inner thoughts like:
"We're sitting here alone together. Is he going to make a move?"
"What should I do? I want to hold her hand but how will she respond? does she want me to take it?"

So if we don't push our Sims to pursue their perspective partners, and the A.I. introductions are done at random, how do we know our Sims are wondering "Are they really interested in me?"
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