Forum Discussion

jamiecurtis3's avatar
6 years ago

Autonomous actions

What actions would you like sims to be able to do autonomously? I'd love for sims to start putting away leftovers, walk their dogs, and generally learn to do actions that I repeatedly have them do like setting the table, brushing their teeth, etc. It would be nice to have a feature that allows sims to establish habits.
  • I do think a habits system would be pretty cool. Like brushing their teeth, putting away leftovers. My children and teens often set the table, and if they get the manners trait (Or is it responsible? Many of my sims have both, so I'm not 100 on which) they will auto set the table as an adult.

    I wouldn't like my sims to auto walk the dog. That is a long action and I much prefer to do that on my own schedule. Now, if it was a very well programmed habit system, such as it learned what you have established and it went off that to form the habit - such as walking the dog as soon as my sim returns home from work, or as soon as they shower first thing in the morning - then, maybe.

    But, at that point, I will still have to sit there, while they do it, so really I only saved myself one click to have my sim auto do it. And that would require a pretty advanced system that I'm not sure EA/Maxis is likely to invest in this game. I love this game, and I love the guru's, but half-baked has been the theme since the beginning of Sims 4, I can't see them suddenly getting the budget allowed to really dig in deep for a habit system. We can't even get favorites, at this point.

  • Since I almost always play with autonomy off my first instinct is to say none since I'm usually annoyed when the game canceled what I tell my sims to do and has them do something else. But I think habits would be cool if they were tied to traits and not the same for all sims.
  • "treece01;c-17062791" wrote:
    Since I almost always play with autonomy off my first instinct is to say none since I'm usually annoyed when the game canceled what I tell my sims to do and has them do something else. But I think habits would be cool if they were tied to traits and not the same for all sims.

    Yes, like making beds or clearing dishes for 'neat' Sims in previous iterations. I also like the OP's suggestion that they should learn to do things you have them do repeatedly. (Of course, they have to do them right - half the time, I cancel the autonomous dish-clearing because they only clear their dish, and I want them to clear the empty serving dish, the dish the toddler left on a desk in another room, and all the dishes on the table.)

    Some autonomous actions that occur with or without autonomy are annoying, however, like Sims washing their hands in between the toilet and shower (which I would do in real life, but it takes Sims so long to do things). The high chair is a mess, with toddlers wanting out as soon as they're put in the chair. And I never brush my Sims' teeth because it makes them 'confident', and most of the time, I want them 'focused' or 'inspired'. (Even if that's pretty eww in real life.)

    Also, there are some things I do want them to do, but perhaps not at a particular time. For example, I do want one Sim eating alone to clear her dish after eating - unless she's already running late to work and there is no dishwasher. And I'd like them to use the sink in the kitchen, not go through the whole house to wash the dishes in the bath, and I'd rather they drop a book at their feet than find a desk or table, set the book down, and sit at the table. (The last is a new bug I've had for the past month or so. Tried different saves, different houses and bookcases, and Sims simply will not put books back in the bookshelf. I have to wait until they sit down at the table or desk, and then I can tell them to 'clean up books'.)
  • Yes to the habit system. Really cool. A new way to personalize sims. With the already existing capacity to disable autonony for those who don't like it.
  • A limited habits system would be cool, but I'd rather avoid anything massive filling the action queue. If anything, I'd prefer small guestures/facial expressions over walking out of the room...
  • GrumpyGlowfish's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I'd say only if I have direct control over my sims' habits, but... I'm afraid that if they ever introduce more autonomous behaviour to TS4, even if it comes with options, it will end up just as broken as everything else in the game (if not from the start, then wait for the next monthly patch). Suddenly you'll have slobs taking out the trash autonomously, lazy sims jogging as part of their morning routine, everyone always being confident from brushing their teeth all the time even though you'd prefer them in a different emotional state, and absolutely nothing you can do about it except turning autonomy off completely.

    I'd rather my sims stop doing certain things autonomously, especially those that cost money. It's so annoying when a doctor randomly decides to dump a patient for a quick meal, and the money for that meal gets substracted the moment he thinks about it, instead of when he actually opens the fridge to get it. And no one needs as many drinks as my sims order when I leave them alone at the bar for five minutes.
  • I wish they would stop leaving toddlers and pets outside the house when visiting or returning home. Especially in the rain or snow.
  • Yes to the habit system. Really cool. A new way to personalize sims. With the already existing capacity to disable autonony for those who don't like it.
  • I think a learning AI seems like a likely feature in the next Sims game, given the advances in AI that have occurred since Sims 4 was introduced. It would also be a new path for the game that would interest a lot of players. (Not that I think S5 is going to drop anytime soon, and I'm personally happy to continue with S4 until I have everything my Sims say they want.)