Forum Discussion

cyncie's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
3 months ago

Blue Moon Potions, Potables and Ponderings Part 2

Greetings, fellow travelers in a strange new world.

 Welcome to the relocated Blue Moon. I am your host, Oberon. Newcomers might be asking, "what is this place?" Well, it has always been our little spot for the fantasy, supernatural and sci-fi simmer. Do you need advice about repelling vampires? We have that here. Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to find fairies in Windenburg? Of course you are. Do raging werewolves ruin your weekend? We understand. Are alien abductions and a severe lack of dragons getting you down? You have our sympathy. Are you a Spellcaster struggling with curses? Ugh.  Are you having nightmares about forum relocation? Let me offer you a drink. 

New developments in our world only occur once in a blue moon. In the meantime, you can share your supernatural needs and relocation anxiety here. 

I always say, spend your life doing strange things with strange people. That includes you, traveler.

And also, your friendly bartender. 

Link to our original location: The Blue Moon Part One

The Blue Moon Jukebox