Forum Discussion

lori83ste's avatar
6 years ago

Blue thing happening to my sim in Sulani?

My sim was sleeping in Sulani and this blue, spirit-like silhouette showed up in his bed and Will-o-wisp looking things began showing up everywhere. What is going on?


I was finally able to open an interactions bubble space. Has anyone else every seen this before?


They're everywhere!
  • Island spirits, it's a lot trait. Interact with them and you'll get different buffs. :)
  • "EIisabetta;c-17130808" wrote:
    Island spirits, it's a lot trait. Interact with them and you'll get different buffs. :)

    That is SO COOL! Why isn't there more hype over this?
  • I’m enjoying this lot trait and so far only good moodlets have come from the spirits. One of the sims who lives there is a fisherman and he has caught some endangered species which I always have him throw back into the waters. I fear the spirits might turn on him if he keeps them! Or maybe just his reputation will go down. Not taking my chances!

    Has anyone had something bad happen from the spirits?
  • If you "banish spirits" they will get angry. I haven't done it yet but they talked about it on the live stream.. so that's when you get a bad buff for awhile. My sims always commune with them to get the good stuff. I'll be using this lot trait often on and off the islands.
  • "kalaksed;c-17130813" wrote:
    that is the effect of the 'island spirits' lot trait. those are the spirits, the blue one is interactable (and you can get up to three of them at a time that i've seen, though can only interact with one). your sim can banish the spirits, release the spirits or commune with the spirits. doing the latter will give them one of several random buffs.

    the buffs i've seen so far are a 12 hour needs and skills boost (needs fill faster, skills learned faster), a buff that makes the sim's hunger need not drop for two days (this works for vampire thirst as well, and i think plantsim sunlight), and a buff that makes the sim's energy not drop for 2 days (i only saw this one once, on an elder. dunno if it'll work for vampires but sure hope so)

    That's awesome! I had six on my lot when I first noticed but yes, I could only interact with one. I got the skills boost, it was awesome! I really love this spirits feature.
  • You need the Island Spirits lot trait on the lot in order for the spirits to show up. Once they start solidifying and assuming a semi-human form, you can interact with them. So far, I have only tried having my sim commune with them and she got a mood buff and a full hunger bar for a couple of days, so that she did not need to eat. I'm still waiting to see what else might happen.