Forum Discussion

moppy14w's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 years ago

Breaking the fourth wall.

I wish I had got a picture. Also, Sims can be crazy.

My latest, Emma, was suffering from Private Practice induced stomach flu. Trying to get through her uni homework.
She's hungry and the bladder need is dropping fast as the illness moodlets kick in again big time. :/
Send her to cook some pancakes for dinner.

Now, I have never seen a Sim set only themselves on fire, always the oven/stove first. Emma managed. Option to "Extinguish self", again I haven't seen this before. Emma turns the fire extinguisher on herself. :o
The oven still looks pristine, the pancakes still there. I have Emma take the pancakes off the cooktop and serve on the bench.

Nope. Don't eat yet. Go sort yourself out. Toilet and shower. Then you can eat. Emma goes upstairs.
Next thing, I center on Emma to find her in a state of absolute dejection looking slidelong at me from the toilet as if to say "What did you do to me??!" Holding a plate of poor quality pancakes in her hands and covered head to toe in soot. :p
  • cyncie's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    It’s eerie when they do that, but I love it. Mine was watching a movie yesterday. I moved the camera from behind him to the front. As I did his gaze went from the TV straight into the camera. He did that little head tilt, like “I knew you were there the whole time,” then looked back at the TV with his bored face like “crummy movie, anyway.”
  • Yes they're slowly learning the art of creepily staring at you at most upsetting moments to creep you out...
    though it is nowhere as much as they did in ts2
  • Yes it can be funny some times, not to say creepy. But all in all I'm glad my sims mostly are not aware of my presence ;)
  • I love when they break the fourth wall because I play more like I'm god rather than they're characters in a story. So I love when they give me dirty looks or look defeated when I make them do things they don't want to. Obviously, sims 2 was my favorite. lol
  • One of my sims had the No Touching celebrity quirk, and I had him seduce and woohoo someone with whom he wasn't in a relationship. After she gave her enthusiastic consent, my sim looked at me and whined like "Really? You're making me do this?" He still got his +2 boost for woohooing while flirty (and his partner was practically bouncing on her toes as she walked around his apartment after the deed), so he can't have been that miffed at me, but it was hilarious when it happened.
  • bshag4lv's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    I am telling you, when I forgot and sent my sim fishing, who disliked fishing, apparently very much. When I remembered and deleted the command, she threw her pole down, gave me a dirty look and walked away. :D