12 years ago
Bullying in the Sims 4.
I think there should be bullying in the Sims 4. It is a real life thing, and would really fit. The Bullier As the Bullier, you get to bully people. Steal their lunch money, pick on, yada yad...
Cinderellimouse wrote:
*hugs lisasc360*
This is a bit of a generalisation so I apologise in advance to all the nice teenagers, but I think the teenage school years are a crazy place full of peer pressure, and fear, and crazy hormones. I think people are struggling to fit in and find a place and learn the right way to 'act'. It's not a nice time of life or place to be really. So, the bully you talked about probably just felt pressure to act a certain way around her 'friends', not that I'm excusing it, but I think the pressure makes people do things that are out of character and I think a lot of bullies regret their actions later in life.
I've moved back to the area where I grew up and a lot of the bullies from school are actually really nice now! :lol: I think bullying is something most people grow out of (unless there is something actually wrong with them).
I do think that pressure to bully comes from an insecurity, a pressure to behave a certain way or act a certain way. I would say the more secure you are in yourself, the less likely you are to bully or be upset by bullies. People need more confidence. Less perfection in the media would be a great start methinks.