Hopefully replying to a thread from four months ago isnt considered "necroing" it but yea... just happened to me too and didnt know what the heck was going on. I decided to buy a tea pot for the mood bonuses. Noticed a pot of tea only lasted 10 hours and decided to put it in the fridge. It wouldnt let me, so I decided to put the cups of tea in the fridge instead. First cup of tea in the fridge, didnt even drink it. Second cup of tea in the fridge, didnt drink it either. I drank the third and final cup of tea, and then immediately noticed instead of being happy I was BURNING TO DEATH! Not knowing what was happening I decided to take a bath, didn't help.
Paused the game, came here. Saw the advice to drink some water out of the sink and that fixed it.
This is a rather serious bug, I'm surprised its been in the game since July and still nothing has been done about it. As I said I didnt even drink the tea which makes it that much worse. But tea/coffee etc shouldnt kill you anyway. :neutral:
Wow... just wow. Guess the devs arent looking at the forums so I should try sending a bug report.