Forum Discussion

brandied_plum's avatar
11 years ago

Changing outfits!

Ok, can I just delight for a few minutes in the fact that your sim will randomly select their outfit from the options you've preset for them? I have five everyday outfit options for my current sim, and she randomly chooses one of them (so far, a different outfit each day, and we're on day 3) the first time she gets dressed in everyday each day. She also seems to randomly choose her sleepwear (of two options), and I haven't had the opportunity to see if she randomly switches among the choices for the other three outfit types.

But still, this is SO much nicer than in TS3! Sure, I could have 3 Everyday Outfit options for my sims, but I had to manually decide to change their everday outfit; if they were changing from sleepwear to everyday wear to leave in the morning, it was automatically to the last-chosen everyday wear.

I love this already. :)
  • New to Sims 4. Once you decide on all the outfits on your character, and start playing the game, you cant change the outfits, if you want to continue the game. You have to change the outfits and start a game from new. Maybe there is a way, but I have not found it?
  • Hi, Keshialee, you'll find a small arrow like tab at the top of each category of clothing. Click that small tab and it'll bring up another tab for you to make an outfit for saving. Hope this helps
  • I have to say, this tiny feature excited me too. It's a great addition. I always tell stories and get bummed when I forget to change their clothes cause my characters look like they wear the same thing everyday! Lol. Also just for gameplay's sake I love it, it's really nice.
  • I had just discovered this the other day when someone said something about it. I love it.
  • @Eurostar1127 you can click on a mirror or a dresser and there will be options "plan outfits" and "change sim". :)
  • > @somewhsome said:
    > @Eurostar1127 you can click on a mirror or a dresser and there will be options "plan outfits" and "change sim". :)

    OK, thanks very much. Very happy knowing this. I will try this.
  • > @Eurostar1127 said:
    > > @somewhsome said:
    > > @Eurostar1127 you can click on a mirror or a dresser and there will be options "plan outfits" and "change sim". :)
    > OK, thanks very much. Very happy knowing this. I will try this.

    Tried this, OK. Only thing, the sliders to change body shape dont show? Maybe, you cant using this 'mirror' method?
  • Frn0731's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    @Eurostar1127 you have to type in testingcheats true . Then you need to type in Cas.fulleditmode on
    @smoothyrus129 I love this feature of the sims wearing different outfits , I have never thought about changing their pjs. I will add multiple night clothes next time.