Forum Discussion

Madamelee's avatar
New Rookie
6 years ago

Closed (unsolved)

Hey I'm having some problems..I like having Selene protest a lot but she's wearing an arsonut helmet and I can't get rid of it because you can't find the "Protest shirt" in the person's outfits because it only appears when they're protesting. I really want to get rid of it and this wouldn't "sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas" because the protest outfit isn't her "Career wear". I might not be able to fix it for a couple of days because it's going be humid in the next couple of days

Don't tell me to try to blacklist the item because the outfit is "situational" wear and its not going to show up like Selene's other outfits. Rolling back the save isn't an option because my earliest save is yesterday. I tried repairing the game doesn't work. I even tried MCCC that someone else told me to do and despite blacklisting the item via the above method the sim still is protesting with helmet on and its only in the ONE game that this problem occurs. I don't want to open up a new game to move all the families and houses into... but that probably wouldn't solve the problem and there is no way to put this sim on level 1.

@rosemow @luthienrising

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