Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 days ago

Club gathering - using mirrors

I just had a club gathering. The intention was to build club score in order to open up for one more member slot. It did not work quite as intended, because most members found a mirror and spent all the gathering talking to their mirror. One club activity is to give a speech, so I though this was good, but it turned out talking to a mirror was not adding much points, if any at all.

Now i wonder why did they all flock to each their mirror? I checked if mirror talking could actually be a club activity but fund nothing related. Is there a reason for this to happen, something I did oversee?

  • Jehane40's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    What's the icon next to the talking activity in the club's specifications? If it's the sunglasses, then it's related to skilling charisma, so that's probably while Sims kept talking to mirrors instead of each other - though they can also skill charisma by talking to each other.

    • Simmerville's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Thanks. But if Charisma was a + activity, shouldn't the club points build rather rapidly while 5 members talk to each their mirror? The score did not change unless my active sim gave a speech. There was no skill bar over their heads, but I don't recall whether those bare are visible during club meetings.