I'll always miss how the game created drama without you needing to set everything up a lot. On the Sims 3 there is always somebody burning the house down at least once during meals. On both the Sims 2 and 3 you had firefighters and burglars ready to shake things up a little. I know I've got the last 2 games to fall back on when I fancy a better challenge, but the fact it hadn't been a part of THIS game does annoy me a little. Should've been a part of the Sims 4 in the first place. Come on, firefighters and burglars aren't too scary for the kids who play this game!
Another thing, social services on this game is bleak. I miss the panic the game would throw me in when somebody from social services showed up to take your child away, an actual NPC showing up, not just magical disappearances into another realm! Ah well. Such is life.