Forum Discussion

SproutLee's avatar
New Spectator
8 years ago

Could Preteens be Next!!!

I was just thinking about how nice toddlers are to have back in ts4 today and I thought maybe they weren't the only life stage they were working on. Then I thought to myself how empty the transition from child to teen is. It would just make tons more sense if we had the preteen life stage. I mean kids don't just go from 4th or 5th grade to high school. And yes I get not everyone has gone to middle school, but in this case it would make more sense. idk though, just my opinion. Tell me what you guys think? :) ;)
  • "Clk1143;15572668" wrote:
    "Orchid13;15571295" wrote:
    "DoritosConfirmed;15571243" wrote:
    Pre-teen is merely the ages before being a teen. A teenager is 13 to 19. The teen years, as the age ends with "teen". A pre-teen is a person just starting puberty or right before. This could include 8 or 9 year olds but mostly it refers to being 10/11-12.

    Personally I think adding Pre-teen would be useless as the life stages aren't refereed to by a definite age. If they went by ages, then yes it would be useful but here not much. A child seems to be roughly around the ages of 8-12.

    I agree on bringing the teens a bit smaller. Teens look exactly like Young adults, and young adults are supposed to be the age of 18-21/23. So I think the teens should look younger and shorter.

    Other than the teen needing to be shorter, for me personally I think the rest of the life stages makes sense and I can not complain for what we have. Babies are infants and toddlers seem to be roughly the middle and late stages of the age group. Since being a toddler is from 2 years of age up to 5 years. As for most, toddler is the ages before they can start kindergarten. So I think all of these makes sense since we're not going by ages in the Sims.

    I'd be happier if Teens were just shrunk so it would make sense. Most teens aren't as tall as their parents. But I am assuming that this stage is from 15-17, most likely. I don't think I would enjoy game play if they added in a pre-teen stage just for no reason. Maybe if they could have things like when you have a teen and they have a tense or angry moodlet that says "From being a teenager" so maybe the pre-teens could have random acne and it has a tense moodlet that says something like "From going through puberty" or something more T friendly. If there was actually different gameplay/moods for the pre-teens then I wouldn't mind them being there. But I wouldn't want it to be a thing if there was nothing being added for them.

    The word has nothing to do with it lol what's going on! In other languages it doesn't happen, it's coincidence. If not I wanna know the meaning of other numbers

    See I understand the whole different languages may say ages differently, but I live in the U.S and I speak english, so this is how I personally say it. Where I live this is how it is said, so yes I am going to speak my language. I don't get what that has to do with sims or pre teens though.

    So I'm guessing you know all about numerology. If you find an actual source , actual research not some Wikipedia thing to back that up, I'll believe you. Which you won't it makes no sense and no nineteen year olds are not teenagers.
  • Ok, I know I'm late. But, I would like to say my opinion on this. I get that you can do the same thing as a tween as you would if you were a child and teen. That's understandable. But, what I want is the continuity of a story or gameplay with in the ages. If the child you had first in the game was a toddler when the other is a baby. That kinda means that the kidd1-3 years (or 4 depending how you see it) apart from each other. So is kinda the same with toddler to kid. But... what about kid to teen. Well, not saying for everyone, but to me who is a smol bean herself, but still had to gradually grow. It just look like the first kid got slapped by puberty then chucked down the stairs, while the other kid is still in child mode. Another thing is that middle school is still important to story telling. I want to be able to maybe have my tween to be able to to middle school and get a pop up saying she had dressed inappropriately at school and had a mess full of make up to fit in with the cool kids. But as she walked into the school she sees the same cool kids making fun of another person for doing the same. 1.Does she hide and wipe of the make up putting on her spare cloths or 2 Does head forword. "They won't do the same I'm better than her." Things like that. ( I get that that can be done by teens but it mostly happens a middle school, when most start getting into make up seriously.... I mean... from when I was younger. Another thing is that not everyone will have the money or means to get sims 5. We don't even know when it's coming out if it is. I would really like to play with tweens in the sims 4. I didn't get to in the other sims games cus I never had the money and when I did I had to support my family a little. I don't regret it just want you to know how bad I want this and how important it is to me. No guilt no pressure, just want to voice my opinion I still agree that tweens should be able to help/take care of toddlers and babies. But, only of there us a teen or adult lives there at least(if teen - adult are at work it's fine but, there must be an active adult living there. No ghoust!). And also be able to cook simple meals like salads sandwiches, etc. If I want a young family, don't want the weird repercussions of the mother/father and teen being young adults for a short while, and the parents dying of old age before the youngest child is grown up. For me it messes up the flow. But, like I said that is my opinion. Please, don't jump down my throat people. I just wanted to share. I still think the other stuff (like slumberparties) should be added with or without tweens but I would really like for the game to have it.
  • In my opinion. I would like to see reworked elders and babies first. Unlike the toddlers I dont really need pre teens but I wouldnt mind getting them.
    Child to teen is enough for me but pre teens would mean I have a life stage more with my children to enjoy before they age up to adults someday.

    Also im prop a minority here but I would prioritized elders reworked instread of babies.
    Or maybe not a rework but and addition. This could come as a SP for me. I want my elders to feel old. optional of course, not every elder is near dead, this would be kinda ageism. But I want my elders to walk with a walking cane and having the ability to crochet. I want some more clothing which my grandparents would have worn. Also I want them to look older. Right now there is nearly no optional diffrence between them and adults which I think sucks,.. ythey are the most boring life stage and cmon. we all let some of our elders die because we want to move on with another story, because they are just THERE at some point. but not as present. Those additions can ofcourse also apply to younger sims.

    Right now it seems like every sim dies at the age of 58, but humans get older than that. And im missing those elder years. Its not a shame to grow old. thats natural. Its a kids game so they wont show all the negative part of growing old, I understand that but I think what we have right now is not enough. I want to have the options to differ my sims more. rigt now I can also play one style of elders. Thats what it feels to me.

    On the other and babies, I would like to see the update, I think they are boring objects right now but compared to my nepfhews they behaved really much the same. Babies dont do stuff. They just are there. cry, eat, sleep, dipers, repeat.
    I think they could improve them by freeing them from the crib like many said , and giving us some options like playing with them on the floor (while they laying on their blankets) with some of their toys. just animatiing them. I would also like going for a walk with them. (stroller)
    Having some clothing options, like wraped up in blancets, jumpers, socks and hats.
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