Forum Discussion
99 Replies
- Miataplay4 months agoLegend
looks like it. Sadness...It's Real.😪
- atreya334 months agoLegend
What? another one already. The grim icon only disappeared yesterday! The sims team sure wants to keep the pressure on. So no relaxed playing the sims in december. I realised we would be getting more of those events but I was hoping to get a few weeks in between to enjoy the game at our own pace. 🙁 I miss when the sims was a game that we could play at our own time with no FOMO driven tasks.
- JesLet404 months agoSeasoned Ace
I couldn't believe this when I first saw it. Seriously? The last one hasn't even ended yet!!! I don't want to be pushed into gameplay and the UI is annoying me to bits. I hate that it cuts into the screen, opens up when I don't ask it to and blinks. Can't it just be in scenarios where you opt in? Or at least give us an option to opt out.
EA, listen carefully, forced gameplay is NOT fun. Let me choose!
For those who are excited and think this is fun, I'm happy for you, I don't begrudge you your fun, just let me opt out.
- Karamazov1234 months agoSeasoned Ace
Shouldn't they iron out the issues with reward events before starting another one? Because there were an alarming amount of people who couldn't even play them. Heck, look at the bug reports and see how the game is falling apart right now.
this one might be harder to complete for me 😅
December just always feels so hectic for me like I'm barely surviving 😂
On other hand I can see how this might be nice for those of us spending their holidays alone
Overall I must say I'm still not big fan of limited events cause I just don't like exclusivity and fomo
and don't really see reason for it in this game that is trying to be inclusive
but if they must I do think it might help slightly
if it was always like specific time of year like holidays when these events pop up
and not like totally random time of year you could not possibly plan for
+ I wish they'd at least make the items possible to buy later if you missed the event
sometimes I just really wish I could go completely offline for like month or two
and not have fomo about imaginary dragons I'm missing 😅- monjr83024 months agoRising Veteran
❤️I'm excited for this!!!!
Some helpful information from luthienrising.
Here's how to play these with fewer issues
- logionX4 months agoLegend
Without seasons?
- ADashofAsh904 months agoSeasoned Ace
I really enjoyed the reaper event so this should be fun!
- PuzzlingMystery4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Oh, exciting!
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