Forum Discussion

SimmerGeorge's avatar
5 years ago

Dear Sims team, do you want to take a break?

This is a genuine suggestion of mine. I think you guys have blinders on right now. For a long time it seems you've been releasing and releasing content that is not really groundbreaking. Even the packs that were well-recieved could have been much more.
It seems like you release so much that you have stopped taking time to reflect, listen to the feedback, get inspired. You don't have to release so much DLC.
The game feels like a train that has taken the wrong route and someone needs to pull that emergency brake and steer it in the right direction. I would suggest you stop, get off social media, try to empathize and understand the customers, reflect on what went wrong and what went right in the past 6 years and then have a meeting to discuss the future of the franchise. Take the time.
And please do not misunderstand the fans and the criticism. Some Simmers in the community are bad at expressing it without being rude so I understand the frustration but I think you also need to understand that it all comes from a place of love for the game and the franchise and it's a way to tell you "We believe you have the ability to do better!". Sometimes it's not expressed in the nicest way but this is what it comes down to.

Also if you are looking for better feedback that is (many times) constructive then come to the forums. Get off twitter and Instagram. There is no better place to connect with us than the official fan forums you made for us.
I hope that you are well and healthy and I hope you can take the time to process everything that has happened this year, good and bad and make some sense out of it.