I completely agree. I really love Get Famous too, I think the content of the pack is really in depth. But the 'neighbourhoods' (by which I mean 3 houses - is that even a neighbourhood?!) are too small! Even if there were 5 in the Mirage Park area I think that would make a big difference. I'd love to see them add in another neighbourhood where the beach is for 'middle' type houses. I kind of get that too many lots could cause performance issues, (my knowledge of computers is v little) but if other neighbourhood areas have 4 or 5 lots and all run fine, then why wouldn't that be the case in Del Sol Valley? Surely you're only loading and using that one area at a time?
I tried to live in Del Sol Valley but I just didn't like it (even though it is pretty). I've decided Oasis Springs is a suburb just outside of Del Sol, and it works really well, even with more than 3 houses in each neighbourhood ;)