Depends. Some games I'll use it, some I won't. It's really good for:
1) Households with kids to boost their responsibility.
2) Households where one Sim is acting as a live-in butler.
3) Off-the-grid or historical households; just helps add to the feel. (Though the fact that I can't change the water in the tub off-grid without going into build mode, deleting the tub and building a new one is kind of annoying.)
I'll avoid it if the house has a lot of members, just because it'll because too much, and it's not fun. I love the building items so I'll use those a lot even when I don't use the actual washer/dryer. Those were what made me finally get the pack when there was a sale. I'd been avoiding it just because it didn't sound like much fun. (Like others have said, I don't want to do laundry in real life, so there's only specific circumstances I have any interest in my Sims doing it.)