Forum Discussion

vesvezdat's avatar
11 years ago

Do you multitask(in RL) while Simming and will you do it with Sims 4 also?

Do you guys Multitask while playing the Sims?
Or do you put your full attention to the Sims game?

Multitask meaning: While playing the Sims, you check and write emails, listento music with ipod/iphone/mp3 player, watch tv, watch youtube videos about anything, read articles,
do homework, do online banking, chat or skype with friends( not necesarily about sims),
call people. and so on.

Will you do it with Sims 4 too? Or do you think Sims 4 will be too engaging and you won't even need any extra activities.

47 Replies

  • I don't understand how people can leave the game running while they do something else. That is what the pause button is for! I know everyone plays differently and it's fine it's just the thought of leaving my Sims...on freewill...unsupervised...for even a second... :shock: so much NO. I couldn't do it.

    I save the game when they sleep, pause it, check social media, go back to the game. I won't even let it run without me staring at it when they are all asleep. Nope nope nope. :P
  • SimplyJen's avatar
    Rising Spectator
    11 years ago
    I'm horrible when it comes to multi tasking. I listen to music while simming 90% of the time. Sometimes I chat with a friend on yahoo and My Page or watch something on Netflix with my tablet.
  • I always multitask while I Sim. I listen to horror stories via YouTube and shout at my Amazon voice thing to play music.
  • Sometimes I listen to YouTube videos in the background or watch tv.
  • Most of the time I have 2 laptops next to each other, one for the game, another for the movie.
  • Sul sul simmers!

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