@simstr0ng @kalaksed @TravisBlackfox ...Both of my dogs have the smart trait....
I was having a great deal of frustration in that I would tell my dogs to go potty from inside the house, but I was finding poo right inside the doorway to the fenced in back yard. There was a doggy door next to the regular door and both were unlocked for the dogs. Both opened onto a set of stairs only wide enough for the two doorways together - (about 3 squares?). I did find that when I was viewing them going potty they would frequently do it on the landing/'porch' between the door and stairs. I even watched them poop and saw it happen on the deck, but sometimes the poop seemed to 'teleport' either to the yard or inside the door? So I am hoping that explains the inside the door thing. So... the mystery of the poops inside the door sent me to this post, and after reading your posts...
I have tried a few things that seem to be working well for me so far...
• I have a fenced in back yard.
• I have altered the doors and stairs leading up to them as pictured at the link/screenshot below. I had to make two separate landings and space between the doors and landings/stairs or the dog sometimes ran through the rails to the other deck/landing area, which is 2 squares. (They are Yorkies, so this two squares 'roomy' enough for them to feel free to pee/poo, but not one square, which is all that is on the landing/porch by the doggie door.) I also have separate railing and steps for each door. This seems to have stopped them from peeing/pooping on the landing/porch.
• I have locked the people door for dogs so they can only use the doggie door.
I did have one time so far that one of the dogs stood on the new tiny porch/landing and pooped (it's winter & it's a small breed - Yorkie, so a tiny porch does fit), but in that case the poop went into the yard, not into the house. Maybe with so little room it's not possible to poop not near an edge to send it to the yard? I can hope.
With that in mind, is that a thing... has anyone else had any poop or pee that actually stayed on the deck/landing? Not sure if it would be different with an actual deck rather than the landing above the stairs only. Anyone else have teleporting poop (to inside the door or yard from the stair landing area?
Also... for now I am trying a different training method for the Sims. I have them go out into the yard and call the dogs. Then I click on each dog two different times and tell them to go potty (one time is usually pee and one time is pee or poo.) Then I praise them. This is working really well.
My plan is to do this for a short time, then start just telling them to potty from inside, or see if they just do it on their own. Working my way forward from that.
I have uploaded a revision of the 'Cozy Home & Greenhouse 2' (the home/lot in this screenshot) where I added this set of doors to my gallery if anyone wants to view/download it to see or use. The revised version is called ''Cozy Home & Greenhouse 3'', which is dog-friendly (and toddler-friendly). In that house design lock the front gate and the door to the back deck for dogs and unlock the front door. To walk them click on the dog and say take for walk. The dog can only get in or out of the gate if the Sim has them on a leash when its locked for dogs.