Forum Discussion

SimsLovinLycan's avatar
5 years ago

Eco Lifestyle Gameplay Trailer Reviews Thread.

Alright, so the second "Eco Lifestyle" trailer has just dropped. On this thread, you can leave a review of the trailer, just keep your critique as civil and constructive as possible (none of that "eco agenda conspiracy" stuff, matter how cringe you thought the trailer was).

To me, this trailer was just as shallow as the reveal trailer. Again, it felt more like an environmentalist PSA that would run during a children's cartoon block back in the 90's than anything Sims related. It was just too...soft and gentle. The narrator's voice was too cute and girlish, adding to the kids' PSA vibe, and the fact that she was mostly rattling off the same generic environmental clean-up checklist that we've been told since 1987 will magically clean all the pollution away and make Mother Earth happy doesn't help. Strip the pack logos off and put the logos of the EPA and a couple of other organizations dedicated to cleaning up our planet and keeping it that way there instead, and you wouldn't even know it's a game ad. That's how much of a schmaltzy PSA this trailer is...and, by the looks of it, this pack.

Cleaning up and maintaining our environment is important, but PSA environmentalism is too shallow and overly simplistic to deal with the challenges we face and making a whole EP dedicated to it isn't helping anyone. Environmentalism isn't just sticking some wind turbines and solar panels on your house, doing your three R's (reduce, reuse, recycle), planting some trees, and calling it a day. We have to FIGHT for our environment because large corporations and the wealthy people who run them would rather let the Earth go to pot in order to preserve their profit margins than be environmentally responsible...even if that means slightly lower profits and slower growth. A community action board is NOTHING compared to pulling your community together to vote in and lobby politicians who will support Earth-friendly policies and create positive incentives (not just tax penalties and fines for polluting, but tax breaks and government grants to encourage companies to operate in a more environmentally friendly manner) to stop polluting. We need BIG action to clean up our world and keep it clean, not just some PSA, armchair environmentalism that does very little compared to the massive damage that irresponsible corporations do on a daily basis.

But, that tougher environmentalism is not represented here. It's just the same stuff we've been spoon-fed in PSA's since the 1980's. In 2020, we are beyond the point where that sort of armchair environmentalism looks anywhere near hopeful. It's a daydream, a fantasy, compared to what we really must hunker down and do since we let things slip so badly. This trailer looks childish and about 25 or 30 years out of date, and by extension, so does the EP. That's a real shame. EA's marketing team really needs to do better with this one, because this is one of the most poorly-conceived game trailers I have ever seen in my entire life.