Forum Discussion

kjjk135's avatar
5 years ago

Eco Lifestyle Inheritance?

I haven't been on the forums in years so hopefully I'm putting this on the right board. :p

Anyway I just downloaded the new patch, and looking through the notes, I found this under the Eco Lifestyle section:

"Sims will now actually receive their inheritance after Marrying within the 7 days as instructed. Marry for love or Simoleons? "

What is this referring to? I've had the pack for a few weeks now, and have yet to run into anything remotely like this lmao.
  • If you click "yes give me the money", you will then be given a task to marry in 7 days and receive $5,000 (This is what my sim received IIRC). If you click "under what conditions", you will automatically get $2500.
  • Not mentioned in the patch notes, but I am hoping they fixed an issue that I experienced about a week ago. I received this call once with my female sim, and i picked the "Under what conditions" in which I received $2500. I continued on with my sims life and eventually she got married to her best friend (after the game decided to autonomously have them flirt, which I didn't argue with I just rolled with it). They finished college, went into their careers and have been living happily together for several sim-weeks; then my sim once again gets this call so I picked "Yes, give me the money" and it said that my sim had to get married... but she is already married. We tried to renew their vows but to no avail. Not sure what we were suppose to do, outside of getting divorced and remarried for a measly $5000.
  • It's a somewhat rare event where your sim receives a phonecall about a distant relative having passed away. You get asked whether to accept the inheritance or not. So far I only ever was told that there are no conditions and received some money, but apparently there is an outcome where your sim needs to marry to get the money (that happens if you do not ask about conditions, I think).
  • RouenSims's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    Does anyone know what the highest amount is that a Sim can receive from the inheritance?
  • RouenSims's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    "aaronrulz;c-17569413" wrote:
    If you click "yes give me the money", you will then be given a task to marry in 7 days and receive $5,000 (This is what my sim received IIRC). If you click "under what conditions", you will automatically get $2500.

    Thank you! My Sim didn't receive her funds, so I want to cheat it in.