Forum Discussion
Additional Guides
This section includes additional info for those who want to set-up their sims for the role.
Traits list won't be included here. To see the list of traits, please check this discussion: List of Traits in The Sims 4.
- Setting Skills (Includes a skill list)
- Adding Location-Based Roles
- EgonVM8 months agoSeasoned Ace
Setting Skills
To set the skills, you can use this cheat:
stats.set_skill_level [skill_code] [value]
You'll need to replace [skill_code] with the desired skill and [value] with the desired skill level. Not all share the same naming as in-game text (Horse Riding is EquestrianSkill in code for example). So here's the list of skills and their value range:
Base Game:
- Charisma: Skill_AdultMajor_Charisma 1-10
- Comedy: Skill_AdultMajor_Comedy 1-10
- (Homestyle) Cooking: Skill_AdultMajor_HomestyleCooking 1-10
- Fishing: Skill_AdultMajor_Fishing 1-10
- Fitness: Skill_Fitness 1-10
- Gardening: Skill_AdultMajor_Gardening 1-10
- Gourmet Cooking: Skill_AdultMajor_GourmetCooking 1-10
- Guitar: Skill_AdultMajor_Guitar 1-10
- Handiness: Skill_AdultMajor_Handiness 1-10
- Logic: Skill_AdultMajor_Logic 1-10
- Mischief: Skill_AdultMajor_Mischief 1-10
- Mixology: Skill_AdultMajor_Bartending 1-10
- Painting: Skill_AdultMajor_Painting 1-10
- Programming: Skill_AdultMajor_Programming 1-10
- Piano: Skill_AdultMajor_Piano 1-10
- Photography: Skill_AdultMajor_Photography 1-5
- Rocket Science: Skill_AdultMajor_RocketScience 1-10
- Video Gaming: Skill_AdultMajor_VideoGaming 1-10
- Violin: Skill_AdultMajor_Violin 1-10
- Writing: Skill_AdultMajor_Writing 1-10
- Creativity: Skill_Child_Creativity 1-10
- Mental: Skill_Child_Mental 1-10
- Motor: Skill_Child_Motor 1-10
- Social: Skill_Child_Social 1-10
- Communication: Skill_Toddler_Communication 1-5
- Imagination: Skill_Toddler_Imagination 1-5
- Movement: Skill_Toddler_Movement 1-5
- Potty: Skill_Toddler_Potty 1-5
- Thinking: Skill_Toddler_Thinking 1-5
Outdoor Retreat:
- Herbalism: Skill_AdultMajor_Herbalism 1-10
Get to Work:
- Baking: Skill_AdultMajor_Baking 1-10
- Maintenance: Skill_Retail_Maintenance 1-5
- Sales: Skill_Retail_Sales 1-5
- Work Ethic: Skill_Retail_WorkEthic 1-5
Spa Day:
- Wellness: Skill_AdultMajor_Wellness 1-10
Get Together:
- Dancing: Skill_AdultMinor_Dancing 1-5
- DJ Mixing: Skill_AdultMajor_DJMixing 1-10
City Living:
- Singing: Skill_AdultMajor_Singing 1-10
- Pipe Organ: Skill_AdultMajor_PipeOrgan 1-10
- Vampire Lore: Skill_Hidden_VampireLore 1-15
Bowling Night Stuff:
- Bowling: Skill_Bowling 1-5
- Parenting: Skill_AdultMajor_Parenting 1-10
Fitness Stuff:
- Rock Climbing Wall Hidden skill: Skill_Hidden_TreadMill_Rock_ClimbingWall_Climb 1-5
Cats & Dogs:
- Pet Training: Skill_DogTraining 1-5
- Veterinarian: Skill_AdultMajor_Veterinarian 1-10
Jungle Adventure:
- Archaeology: Skill_AdultMajor_Archaeology 1-10
- Selvadoradian Culture: Skill_AdultMinor_LocalCulture 1-5
- Flower Arranging: Skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging 1-10
- Skating hidden skill: Skill_Hidden_Skating 1-10
Get Famous:
- Acting: Skill_AdultMajor_Acting 1-10
- Media Production: Skill_AdultMinor_MediaProduction 1-5
Discover University:
- Research & Debate: Skill_AdultMajor_ResearchDebate 1-10
- Robotics: Skill_AdultMajor_Robotics 1-10
- Ping Pong hidden skill: Skill_AdultMinor_PingPong 1-5
- Juice Pong hidden skill: Skill_AdultMinor_JuicePong 1-5
Eco Lifestyle:
- Fabrication: Skill_AdultMajor_Fabrication 1-10
- Juice Fizzing: Skill_AdultMinor_JuiceFizzing 1-5
Nifty Knitting Stuff:
- Knitting: Skill_AdultMajor_Knitting 1-10
Snowy Escape:
- Rock Climbing: Skill_AdultMajor_RockClimbing 1-10
- Skiing: Skill_AdultMajor_Skiing 1-10
- Snowboarding: Skill_AdultMajor_Snowboarding 1-10
Paranormal Stuff:
- Medium: Skill_AdultMinor_Medium 1-5
Cottage Living:
- Cross-stitch: Skill_CrossStitch 1-5
High School Years:
- Entrepeneur: Skill_AdultMinor_Entrepreneur 1-5
Horse Ranch:
- Riding: Skill_AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill 1-10
- Agility: Skill_Horse_Agility 1-10
- Endurance: Skill_Horse_Endurance 1-10
- Jumping: Skill_Horse_Jumping 1-10
- Temperament: Skill_Horse_Temperament 1-10
- Nectar Making: Skill_AdultMinor_RanchNectar 1-5
Crystal Creations Stuff:
- Gemology: Skill_AdultMajor_Gemology 1-10
- Romance: Skill_AdultMajor_Romance 1-10
Life & Death:
- Thanatology: Skill_AdultMinor_Thanatology 1-5
- EgonVM8 months agoSeasoned Ace
Adding Location-Based Roles
If modifying an existing generated sim is really out of question, here are ways to assign location-based roles to sims.
I will have to split it into two sections though:
- Vanilla (without mods)
- Mods (with mods)
- EgonVM8 months agoSeasoned Ace
The Gallery/My Library Method
When a sim with location-based career is uploaded to My Library, they'll not only keep the career, but also the location they were working in. The only thing is getting them to the location.
Wait for The Game to Consider
If you have your sim unplayed, unemployed, and living in/evicted from the same world as the lot is in, the game may eventually take them for the role if you wait long enough. This is a viable option for the following roles:
- Bartender*
- Gym Trainer
- Spa Massage Therapist
- Spa Reflexologist
- Yoga Instructor
- Restaurant Chef
- Restaurant Server
- Restaurant Host
*Does not include Moonwood Mill's bartender, aka bartender_wolftown.
The other location-based roles will resort to generating a new sim from the template.Own the Business, Hire Them
You can also go ahead and get the NPC sims to the role through the business gameplay. It involves luck, but it's possible. This is a viable option for the following roles:
- Retail Store Employee
- Restaurant Chef
- Restaurant Server
- Restaurant Host
- Veterinarian
Check the Potential X roles for reference to make the sims appear in the potential employee pool more often.Feel free to combine the first method with the other methods. Finally got the massage therapist you wanted? Save them to the Gallery and share it with your other saves (provided that the spa is on the same lot).
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