Forum Discussion

ajaffair's avatar
9 years ago

Employees won't show up

As of right now I can't get my host to show up, I can't run the restaurant without him. I don't want to fire him due to the amount of money I've spent training him. On other days different waiters haven't showed up but at least I still had 2 other watiers each day. All of my employees have been promoted to level 5, my host satisfaction level is neutral. Is there a way to force them to show up? How can I make them happier?
  • I wish EA would fucking get the bugs fixed in an expantion pack that costs as much as a full game normally does... These are BASIC things. This addon IS ONLY about managing a resturant and it hardly works at all... Get you lazy greedy asses up and fix the bugs allready! It's been out for a long time now!!!
  • My vet clinic employees stopped showing up. They are "very satisfied" and get paid $30 an hour. When my sim doesn't go to the clinic, it DOES make money. Also, nobody buys treats from the vending machine anymore. It is always full. And no sims show up when I visit while it is open.
    Very strange. It all used to work fine. I wish there was a place for us to report bugs.
  • This is a problem on console also. I have to close the restaurant then reopen to fix it.
  • Hi,

    Can’t create my own discussion yet. I am having this issue. My employees didn’t show up so I hired new ones but my old employees had max vet skills and they were my sim’s sisters. The new employees show up but it’s just not the same. It would be really nice to be able to rehire them. Is there a way to do this?
  • I don't own the restaurant and there has been staff before but there isn't now, so I tried hire bar staff and she didn't show up