"Peral;c-17974584" wrote:
A question to all of you who want fairies, what kind of gameplay would come with that pack?! As for werewolves I think that would require an upgrade to vampires would come with such a pack so we bet the rivalry between the two species.
Werewolves v. Vampires only really became a major thing in the 90's. It appeared in a few other sources before that, but mostly as a "this vampire doesn't like that werewolf" thing rather than a clash of supernatural types. Or at most an extension of Dracula's ability to control wolves. So an upgrade of Vampires to include the rivalry isn't strictly necessary. I wouldn't say no, but I don't need it either.
As for Fairies, the gameplay I'd really like is kinda outside the scope of an add-on for the Sims, so I'll take hovering (no routing fails if there's something on the floor), a couple different flavors of elemental magic, and glamour (which in practice would be a lot like Alien disguises) And the rest of the Fairy budget going in to different Faerie shapes, rather than just wing types. :wink: