Sorry, I don't post pictures but my Sim adopted a toddler. He is an archaeologist and I wrote this story that he found her lost in the jungle. She was so cute and pudgy as a toddler. She was a plump kid. I fell in love with her. I hated to see her grow up. She turned out to be one of those game generated Sims that I can't forget. She is a natural beauty. No editing needed. She is a young adult and in college now. I download some cc for her. Some of the EA cloths are not meant for her figure. I use mods but rarely do I use cc. This Sim is so special she needed the best. I wrote in my story that her Dad took her shopping for college. The story goes that she snuck a few items into her bag that were not Dad approved. This is only the second game generated Sim that I backed up at every phase of growing up. So I will always have her at any age in the outfits I picked. I remember closing my eyes as she aged up into a teen. I was fearful that she would not turn out well but omg I was wrong!