Forum Discussion

joemiller1972's avatar
5 years ago

Fat/Muscle/Height Expansion

You know with all the fat and powerlifter sims being displayed on the gallery. You would think that EA would capitalize on that and create an expansion or game pack based on expanding the weight limits and slider limits of The Sims 4 game. It would also introduce a feature that would lock in a figure to make them neither gain or lose fat or muscle or both. It would also be nice to add personality traits that would further enhance the aspect of fat sims and powerlifter sims, besides the Active, Clumsy, and Glutton traits. And how being progressively fatter or more muscular affects the need bars decay and moodlets.

Another thing missing is a height adjustment. Making some sims only slightly taller or slightly shorter. (Not by much to affect animation much, but just a little to give slight variety.) It feels weird that all the sims have exactly the same height.

It's the only thing that EA has never done before in an expansion. But chances are, it's not likely going to come to effect, because people get touchy about the subject. But yet, each version of Sims had a mod that affected it in some way. From Sims 1, Sims 2 and Sims 3 as well as Sims 4.

11 Replies

  • It would be nice to have different heights, but it would require a lot more animations to animate the different heights and interactions between the sims of different heights, and we all know EA doesn't like to spend money on animations. They've cut back spending on basic day to day animations and added only the bare minimum. Also, at this point bringing different heights to TS4 would mean a pretty large overhaul of all animations, so I don't think it's going to happen. Maybe in TS5, if they have a big buget.