2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Favorite cheats, if you use them!
I like:
cas.fulleditmode (to be able to edit more things like age, traits, etc, for one thing because I have aging disabled in settings)
sims.fill_all_commodities (sometimes needs start getting depleted when you can't do anything about it, like when they're at work, which is extremely stressful for me - this is especially helpful for the thirst need with vampires)
money (sometimes I want wealthy celebrity sims!)
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement (because I'm entitled apparently)
bb.moveobjects (for obvious reasons)
traits.equip_trait trait_occult_witchoccult
traits.equip_trait trait_occultvampire
traits.equip_trait trait_occultmermaid
sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas (because we all know that the automatic career outfits can be hilarious atrocities)
So those are the cheats that I most often use. What about you? Do you use cheats at all? Which ones do you like best?
cas.fulleditmode (to be able to edit more things like age, traits, etc, for one thing because I have aging disabled in settings)
sims.fill_all_commodities (sometimes needs start getting depleted when you can't do anything about it, like when they're at work, which is extremely stressful for me - this is especially helpful for the thirst need with vampires)
money (sometimes I want wealthy celebrity sims!)
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement (because I'm entitled apparently)
bb.moveobjects (for obvious reasons)
traits.equip_trait trait_occult_witchoccult
traits.equip_trait trait_occultvampire
traits.equip_trait trait_occultmermaid
sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas (because we all know that the automatic career outfits can be hilarious atrocities)
So those are the cheats that I most often use. What about you? Do you use cheats at all? Which ones do you like best?