I just completed this aspiration with one of my sims last night and boy was it tough. I was stuck on like 16/17 out of 20 for a couple days. I couldn't get to the Hidden Grotto one in Oasis Springs because he didn't have level 10 handiness. Carl's guide that was linked above was a lifesaver. I downloaded the pdf file so I know where to look if I ever get stuck doing the aspiration in the future. It does seem like the bait doesn't make a lick of difference. It says to use small fish to get big fish, I get more small fish. Or it says to use frogs and I get small fish or junk, cowplant berries or pomegranates. Or I use medium fish and I might get one big fish and a bunch of little useless fish even though I am at the rare or uncommon fishing spots.
Nevertheless, that aspirations always a toughie for me because it's so hit and miss.