Forum Discussion

bradygalaxy's avatar
6 years ago

Follow your Sim kids to school?

I'd like to be able to follow my sim kids to school, similar to the get to work format. It'd be nice to be able to do this instead of having to click on random event cards and get random results. Maybe this along with university life and make one big expansion pack like "Get To School". I'd rather follow the sim kids to school than follow the adults to work.
  • I'd rather have boarding school or elementary school expansion than university. You could create Lord of the swings scenarios, have recesses, games, oral presentations, crafting, list of best friends and enemies, snacks, kids drama, etc. It'd be so cuuuuute.
  • dianed485's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    I would love to be able to follow my sims teens to school. Go to classes, (where you could have your sims either listen carefully, chat with someone, draw on their desk, or sleep through the lesson, which would of course have an influence on their grades), take exams etc.

    Then recess where your sim could relax and chat with their friends (possibly about how boring or cool the class was) or have lunch (Parenthood lunch bags could finally be useful). Then if your sim has the mischief skill they could also misbehave and prank teachers which would result in their parents being called and possibly having an appointment with the head teacher.

    And we could have a teacher career too. I would also like to have more activities for teens.

    I would rather like having a global school and activities pack than just university.
  • Oh yes! And I'd want school buses to be added.

    Zerbu's mod Go to school is still working