9 years ago
Forgotten Hollow
What do you plan to do with your 5 lots? I, for sure, am going to make a bed and breakfast on one of them and set it as generic so that all of my sims living in other worlds can go there to stay fo...
"Purrdalecki;15473234" wrote:
I'll be turning the basement of one of the lots into a creepy, underground catacombs for sure. Or more. I have so many ideas, I definitely want some winding tunnel catacombs under a vampire manor. A throne room will be vacated in the catacombs for my more elegant vampires, with a fancy satin throne-esque chair(s) for my vamp royalty. But I don't know whether I want my catacombs in the style of the tunnel leading to Kilgarrah in Merlin, like the corridors of... Well, where the devil lives in supernatural (since the word gets censored), or like the tunnels in Buffy or some kind of tomb or a maze-like wine cellar but I'll decide on something... Hopefully.
Naturally, this will be the go to meet up place for vampires, and the talk of the town by any human sims unfortunate enough to be roaming the streets of Forgotten Hollow - because they are definitely not staying that way, no, not with all these hungry vampires around - helpless sims like them should know better than to enter the realm of the vampires!
Maybe I'll even throw in an underground, vampire only (ish) club where sims can prove their worth to vampire kind in their current form by busting out some of their (hopefully) best moves, thanks to get together. If they beat vampire royalty at a dance off? They get to continue their life as a sim, but become the entertainers of the vampire kingdom. After all, being undead does some funky stuff to your joints - it's not easy being a vampire, y'know?
But back to the point! If the sims lose... They're drained, and turned into creatures of the night, condemned to serve the fanged royalty for the rest of their immortal life. But never threat! As these unlucky now-turned-vampire sims have the chance to soar up the ranks - provided they can beat the current royalty at a vampire showdown, that is.
P.S Yes, I know the game doesn't have royalty, but it does in my imagination... c;