Hello @magooo63 :smile:
Have you tried clearing your cache without losing your save files?
Sometimes new patches may give you problems with troubleshooting the game, and bugs/glitches that could be solved by simply clearing up the cache.
Follow these steps to do so:
The Sims 4's game cache is located at Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/ on both PC and Mac.
1. Delete the localthumbscache.package file in this directory. This helps to "fix" some gameplay bugs.
2. Go inside the cache folder and delete all files that end in .cache, but do not delete the actual directory.
The .jpg files as well as the .dat that you find in the cache folder are safe to delete. These come from viewing households/lots from the gallery. If you play with the Online Access Feature turned off, or play offline, you may not have anything in this folder.
3. Go back, then to the cachestr folder. Delete all files here, but again do not delete the actual directory.
* It's okay to delete the spotlight.package file.
4. The onlinethumbnailcache folder is safe to delete IF it is present.
If you play in offline mode, you may not see this folder. However, if you forget to turn off Wifi before starting the game, you will see the folder. Same if you have the Online Access Feature turned off or play offline.
If you have an older Sims 4 folder that still has the cachewebkit file and lotcachedata folder you can delete them. They're no longer needed.
If this doesn't help, try quitting the job, getting a new one, and going back to the freelancer again.