Dear fellow simmers!
Right after the patch I as the rest of players here was convinced that the changes are less benefitial for everyone and even harmful for new creators. However, after observing the gallery I have changed my mind. There are several benefits with the new system which alows everyone to be noticed, however, players seem not have had time to adopt to the new changes.
In regard to self-download, according to my observation, selfdownload is possible to practice but since the new system changes the popular tab more rapidly the self-download practice becomes, believe it or not, MEANINGLESS. Which is evident if one closely (very closely) observes a few creators with many DLs. The new indicator is the combo of number or DL and increase in followers.
Before the Gallery changes I had very few Dls and few Favs from my friends/followers. After the gallery changes I quickly understood the IDEA BEHIND the gallery changes. I re-iploaded most of my sims and the differnce in DLs was HUGE. And those are the same sims. One can ask how come? Did my sims suddenly bceame better due to the patch? Hardly, I uploaded the SAME sims for the sake of the experiment. Then, according to some ideas presented here, I might be a so called self-downloader so called "DL-cheater". Since I uploaded over 15 creations at once, the idea of "cheating"can be confronted with the question:
How much amd how many hours do I need to self-DL 50 creations in order to keep the floting on the Pop tab?
Is there something else that makes the creations to survive the gallery changes?
Still, I do not have THE answer to that but this is what I have observed since right after the patch:
1 self-Dl does not work in the new system
2 Everyone has a VERY good chance in the new system and is not dependent on followers likes because of the rapid changes of pictures
3 The number of DL is more consistant with number of Followers (the more DLs the more followers)
4 It is all a matter of TASTE. If the public LIKES your creation you get lots of DLs.
Negative effects
1 Quality seem to be less important - the presentation picture is of the essence and a very specific TYPE of sims and builds (no changes at all indded compared to how it was before)
2 Only 3-5 rows on top of the Pop tab change less rapidly thus making the system and possibilitues UNEVEN
3 THE problem is that it is much harder to find OLD creations if one uses tags and THAT is a great problem because there is no TAB CALLED "OLDER" and now we only see the popular/most pop and newest
In the livestream video it is EVIDENT that MAxis/EA whatever WANT to BOOST the original and non-mainstream creator. Those featured were #TheLonnykins, #13Vader and #Elocine54. These players are NOT mainstream. The new system is in many ways INGENIOUS and I looove every minute of it. However, in order to SURVIVE the gallery changes a creator has to become mainstream AND deliver the PUBLIC what they want. Simple marketing. So, let us not forget, that the odd. the unusual, the non-mainstream etc. will ALWAYS and I repeat ALWAYS be in the shadow of THE mainstream in IRL and Sims gallery.
If YOU really want to boost the SMALL or unknown creator you SHOULD nominate them for a Maxis fav! And not nominate your friends only because they will nominate you back.
Nominate SIMS