It depends. If constantly active, some people are constantly uploading and/or favoriting things constantly. Most are quite good and if that person uploads something 3 times or more in a row, it's ok. Find out the final version. Comment constructively. Yes, 3 or more versions of the same build gets confusing so if someone deletes the previous builds because of errors, then I have no problem with that. Same with households. :)
I've only had to un-follow someone once or twice because of the news feed spam. I feel bad because those persons are excellent creators for builds. So I really do like to see any upload they make. It was just that something like hundreds of "favorites" of "non-cc" paintings (or something) that spammed my feed.
I'm not "angry", heh! Really there should be a better way to set it up in settings. ;)
@Missmagoo2 I don't think that is a problem. If you showcase a few times. Yes it does show up in other's "feeds" . ;) I doubt you're doing that like 50 times a day.
I think the "issue" is more like someone favoriting a zillion things a day. Hey, nothing wrong with that I guess. It will show up in anyone following's feed though. Keep that in mind.