Forum Discussion

lunnarila's avatar
2 years ago

Gamepacks? 2023

Since October 2022, we know that we are going to get two big expansion packs, one of them having something to do with family and generations while the other is unknown but we know nothing about gamepacks. The unusual schedule got me thinking. Usually February is time we get GAME PACKS and Expansions packs come out during June/July or/and November/December. Seeing that we will perhaps get new huge EP on February/March, is it possible game pack(s) would come out later this year, for example March, April, or May? How many game packs do you think will we get and what are they going to be about?
  • Raseca's avatar
    New Spectator
    I think we'll get a GP around May-June and the theme will be Horses (maybe something western). I don't want horses at all, but when they announced Cottage Living a guru said Horses were not included because they deserved a pack for them, so I think they can come next.

    I pray for an hotel game pack but my hopes are so low.
  • YBNS's avatar
    New Spectator
    We might be getting the second EP in September... in past sims games expansion packs were almost always released in March and September, I'll be satisfied if we'll go back to that!? Family and hopefully Music ❤️

    and I think this year will be the year of only one expansion pack, my guess is hotel management .??
  • If we're really getting Infants, we'll get a Gameplay pack for them. Just like we got a Toddler pack to go with free Toddlers.
  • "Loanet;c-18219370" wrote:
    If we're really getting Infants, we'll get a Gameplay pack for them. Just like we got a Toddler pack to go with free Toddlers.

    I think we will get a lot of gameplay for infants and other kids in incoming expansion pack. Seeing how the EP is focused on family life and kids. If we don't get anything for elders, I am sure we will get separate GP for them. Like Golden Years, or something. If not, then maybe bands or hotels. I wouldn't hope for fairies or horses this year but who knows