Gardening - can plant quality be cheated?
- 5 months ago
I'm not sure if anybody else knows this now but there is a way. However, it's pretty time consuming if you have a lot of plants you wish to evolve. It works, as I am currently evolving tobacco leaves to sell. It is also repetitive as it only evolves your plants one stage at a time.
Shift, left click on the plant you wish to evolve, click on "set gardening state", then you'll want to click on "plant evolution". You'll see four options which include: withered, devolved, on-track and ready to evolve.
Here, you'll want to click on the "ready to evolve" option. Then you will manually need to evolve your plant, but don't worry, it's part of the pie menu. (you don't need to shift-click for this.)
I'm not sure if you need to have a certain gardening skill as I have already maxed my skill. If you don't have gardening skill and it doesn't work, I can only assume you'll need it.
You'll have to do this on each plant individually (hence it being time consuming) and it only evolves once so you'll need to repeat the process on each plant until you're happy with the quality.