I'm in a weird place with this game right now. I haven't bought seasons yet, but I have patched the patch thing. Okay. So my sims come home from wherever the plum they've gone, the plants they take care of (game suddenly doesn't think it's a garden anymore) all look like they're dripping from a sprinkler. Does this mean that if I had seasons it would have rained and they're getting watered, but I'm just not seeing rain because I didn't buy the pack? It's weird.
I'm fairly upset with both myself and the gallery right now. I downloaded a pre-seasons made community garden that I love. Did I save it to my gallery? No, that's why I'm mad- now I can't find it in the regular gallery. Well anyhow. It seems to be all buggy. So there are things in there I want to not die, right? Forbidden fruit tree and all the exotic stuff my sims haven't found yet. I set the lot type to park. And it does seem to register as a garden, because gardener-looking people randomly show up and do things to the plants. For a while I'd have my sims go there and build skill watering things, etc. It would take one sim two days to get it all done, so I did it rotationally. Plants thrived, even if there were a whole lot of bugs around. I made it a cat hangout, the creator was nice enough to have an outdoor kitchen, and a building with bathrooms and a bed downstairs so exhausted or homeless sims can rest and attend to their non-gardening needs. Some sims harvested stuff and planted them elsewhere. It was a nice place.
Now. Here's what happens. Sim goes in with maybe 3 skill in gardening, takes his poor elderly butt four days to get anything done and I had to send him home for fear he would work himself to death. Gets stuck for seven sim hours spraying the same plant for bugs. Tried everything except rebooting the computer to get him to stop. Ugh. Sent a level ten gardener in - before this, a whole section of emotion trees were about to die from lack of water- when she came in, they're fine. She spent a week taking vacation and trying to keep up with reviving all the plants that want to die. I won't let her spray a single thing and won't click "tend garden" either because she'll get stuck spraying for bugs. She also gets stuck on watering. Water two plants and then get in a loop with them; at least that one I'm able to click it off and she'll go about doing something else. She had to pick one of nearly everything so that when it dies, she can replant it, I mean she can revive them but if she doesn't get there in time, it'll just be beyond that state. Things in her yard do not seem to need watering as much, but for plum's sake, many of them are the same plants! What makes them die so fast in that one spot??
And forget planting things outdoors on the ground; they spontaneously move from where you planted them to a spot two squares over, so planting things at night isn't advised 'cause I may not figure out where the dickens they went.
Is anyone else in this boat?! I used to love gardening! If I get Seasons will any of this mess be fixed, or will I want to tear my hair out even more?