"Hoverael;c-17196329" wrote:
Sim autonomy in general doesn't make a lot of sense. it isn't just watching child birthing, it goes through a lot of things:
so say your sim is dangerously tired and needs to sleep but you got a cofeee maker downstairs. the sim doesn't go to sleep like it is a lower priority order or something, no your sim goes for the coffee maker instead!
Say your fridge is full of fantastic home cooked food, some of it quality style gourmet stuff, but there is a grill outside. so instead of getting something nice from the fridge, they go for the grill instead, places the food in their inventory or on a table outside. so before long that food spoils. the next morning, a hungry sim comes down and grabs a spoiled burger, eats it instead of cleaning it up. So yeah, some pretty twisted autonomy priorities going on.
They go to sleep only after a certain hour. Before that it's either the coffee or a nap.