Forum Discussion

djsboonie's avatar
New Scout
6 years ago

Grimmie Standing Guard

My Global Superstar sim got killed by lightening while vacationing in the jungle. Grimmie came, but instead of immediately taking him he's just been standing there for a few sim hours and occasionally crying. Not sure if he's standing guard, debating on saving him, or waiting for the storm to pass...
  • Turned out it wasn't any of them. My sim was "stuck" lol; when I reset him it was game over lol
  • @damagedlostbroken, I may do that :). Though I find it quite amusing that my very much alive sim has his headstone already. Almost like he's being rewarded for cheating death LOL.
  • @kalaksed, yup. And he even gave my sim his headstone in advance lol. Seriously, after I got the "game over" message I returned to the main menu without saving & restarted from my last save point, which hadn't been too long before the "death." Anyway, I was playing just now and went into household inventory to put a Starlight Award Maurice (my sim) had just won for writing on a shelf in his basement (he keeps some of his collections there) & there it was in inventory: his headstone. There was also a bunch of stuff from Maurice's personal inventory there that wasn't there before his "death" like fruit/veggies, fish, etc. Might try a repair game, though I'll miss the headstone if the repair gets rid of it LOL.
  • Make a small room and put the headstone into the room. Then, save the room to your library. That way, you can repair your game and still keep the headstone. :)