Oh, thank goodness I'm not alone in this! I was beginning to think Joe and Louise were just rotten parents. LOL They supplied a bike for their firstborn upon his aging up to Child. Will either of them take a moment or two to instruct him? No. He's a rather athletic kid, too, although he seems less inclined to even practice on his own. What the heck is going on?
It's Erik who's not so skilled in that department. I realized I hadn't supplied him with his own bike and fixed that right away. He is at least willing to practice, whereas his older brother, Aaron, wasn't as inclined. Go figure. I have since moved their house to a much larger lot, so there's plenty of room for riding lessons to take place. I do hope this cures the problem. I did have a kid learn on his very last day before aging to Teen, in another save. Hm . . .