7 years ago
GTW Retail Done Right
I tried left and right to make retail work vanilla, but ultimately failed. Granted, this depends on what you consider "right", and if that is simply making money then there are ways of course to do so...
"Sha2520032003;c-16943170" wrote:
@Archieonic - I totally agree with your post. I use those same two mods and it's the only way I'll even touch Retail. Considering GTW was the first EP for the game, I think the Devs have done a better job with businesses with running restaurants and vet clinics. But I do wish they would go back and fix Retail.
For me, TS2 Open For Business was and will always be my favorite EP in the entire Sims series. It all comes down to the detail, in my opinion. Shoppers with bags and getting frustrated waiting to be rung up. Getting upset and dropping the bag on the floor. That's so classic. I'd like to see some of that brought into TS4 Retail.....which I doubt will happen....but I'd settle if they cut out the idle chit chat so shoppers shop & employees work.