Forum Discussion

Fanphoria's avatar
New Spectator
9 years ago

Has anybody had a sim with the "long lived" achievement die of old age?

So, as people have noted on other threads, Sims that succeed at the body builder aspiration seem to live...a really, really, really long time. In fact, I've never had a sim die of old age who's completed body builder, and some of them have great grandchildren who are adults, so I was just wondering: has it ever happened? Or should we just understand that "long lived" = "basically immortal"? Cause that would have been nice to know before hand...

(btw, I already know there are ways to kill off sims, with cheats and various other manipulations, so no need to list them here, thanks. I was just wondering if natural death by old age is even possible for sims with Long Lived, or if we'll need to actively kill them if we want them dead :-P)
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    "DivieOwl;c-16114524" wrote:
    "Livin in Sim;c-16114486" wrote:
    I have not yet had a Sim die with that Trait. But, I play with Aging off in over half of my Saves, aging up manually, and having them Woohoo a fair amount when they get great grandchildren pressing adulthood. The other half I play on Long Life Span.

    To the folks who have stated the exact days the Sim lived, where do you see the amount of days displayed in the game? Lessee, @DarkAmaranth1966, @StilleWater, @NZsimm3r? Once they get the sparkly bar, it stops saying how many days they've lived when you hover on it. Have you just kept track by counting the days yourself? Or is there another place that tells how many days?

    I was wondering this myself. I've missed how it would say how old a sim was.

    Actually, the days lived means nothing. It only shows how many days have they actually lived, no matter if their aging is on or off. So, for example, sim took 1000 in-game days to become an elder, their days lived actually shows that they've lived 1000 days.
    It still counts the days when aging is off or when sim is a ghost or a vampire.
  • I had one male sim who had lived something like 180-200 days (can't remember, since it was a while ago), got tired of him being old and not dying, so I ended up to kill him due over-exhaustion with woohooing with his third wife :'D
    I'm so cruel, haha...
  • @"Livin in Sim" I don't think there is a way to see that without mods, but the MC Command center shows you the days they've lived for every sim you open the menu with (and it does lots of other cool things ;) )There is another mod, the show sim info mod, which probably shows that information, but I don't use it so I don't know for sure.
  • A lot of mine get it but non have gotten to elderly in my game.
  • "lisalittlesimmer;c-16115187" wrote:
    @"Livin in Sim" I don't think there is a way to see that without mods, but the MC Command center shows you the days they've lived for every sim you open the menu with (and it does lots of other cool things ;) )There is another mod, the show sim info mod, which probably shows that information, but I don't use it so I don't know for sure.

    Ah, thanks for the reply. :) Yes, I do have MCCC, and I've seen that it does show how many days they have left to live, when you click on the Sim and choose MCCC in the menu. But I didn't know if that number was just using the default Age Spans, or if it changed from Sim to Sim if they had certain traits. I can test this out, tho, by making an elderly Sim with the Long Lived Trait and comparing them to a Sim without. I'll try to remember to share what I find out, when I get around to doing this, lol. The other thing is, with Sims I'm pretty invested in, I do hate to peek at this, because I don't really want to know the exact day they're going to die. :blush: I'd rather just have the days count up. I guess it's because it would be so freaky IRL to know that, can you imagine? :p

    I also have often thought that the Show Sim Info Mod would probably have this. It is super detailed. I don't have it installed.
  • I just had an Elder Sim die of old age immediately after completing the Bodybuilder aspiration. I had just paused it to select rewards and a new aspiration, ironically I had enough for a potion of youth be chose not to use it. So yes his life was extended a good 3 minutes. I suspect he was probably already scripted to Die before the reward could take effect.
  • I don't use 'immortal' aging. I have extended the aging per level of age though. Otherwise pregnancy 3 days = 9 months. So a month, 4X7 days (4 weeks) (28 days per month) = about 3 years. A year of 12 months in-game (336 days) = about 36 to 40 years per in-game year.

    If a season lasts 7 days, that's 2 1/3 months
  • I know this is a rather old thread, but my elder sim (didn't even complete the bodybuilder aspiration, she's just active and has lvl 10 fitness & wellness skill) has had the glowing bar forever, and now it's stopped showing how many days she's lived when I hover over it (I have another elder who I can still see, so it's weird that I can't for her). Has this happened to anyone else? I just want to make sure this isn't a glitch + the game hasn't just given up on killing her off.