This is a pretty useful thread for our newer fellow simmers (welcome aboard, by the way!), I wonder if a guru would sticky it.
The site that @Pamtastic72 linked to (Carl's) is very good if you need to know all sorts of things about the game itself. And there is also a list there of a lot of the main cheats and how to use them -
You may already know these terms, but here's a few just in case:
EP - expansion pack
GP - game pack
SP - stuff pack
CAS - create a sim
Plumbbob - that green diamondy thing that hovers over sims heads during play
Simlish - the language that sims speak
Vanilla - a game played without mods or cc
Edit, people also tend to call expansion packs etc by their initials rather than full names, eg. GTW = Get To Work, DO = Dine Out etc.