Forum Discussion

adamclark83's avatar
4 years ago

Hiccup Bugs - PS4

The last few nights while playing, my game has had irritating "hiccup" bugs.

For one thing, the other night my teen Sim Vanessa was at the park in Oasis Springs, she invited a friend (Jodie) over and everything was going well but while they were sitting on the couch inside, suddenly they're instantly standing up like they had been reset. Jodie goes outside to cook something on the BBQ, puts the plate on the bench and every time she went to go pick up a serving, it did "hiccup" Sim reset (where their arms go outstretched). Tell Vanessa to go inside and read a book, "hiccup" Sim reset. Tell her to sit on the couch, "hiccup" Sim reset.

When I turned the game off and restarted it, everything was fine.

And a few nights ago, one of my married couples were in their bedroom, under the covers and near its end, "hiccup" Sim reset and they're both standing beside the bed.

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