Host Showed UP, Acted Like a Fanboy!
Ever since the L&D patch, I haven't had a Host show up for the Starlight Accolades Show. This is bad news. Many thanks to the two Simmers who made suggestions on what worked in their games. I tried both suggestion. Since I already had two microphones, I went in and removed one and put another one in its place. I also decided to replace the front door, which was the original suggestion.
Well, I had a Host show up. a Lawrence Schmidt. He said something into the microphone initially, but no award was handed out. He stepped aside to go all nuts over Erik Cantrell, Rock Star. Face/palm. While he was going nuts, other celebrity Sims decided to stage a sit-in. Thorne Bailey, and Dirk Dreamer, at first. On the opposite side of the stage, Dustin Broke, Bryanti Cho and one I didn't recognize took seats on the stage, too. Am I in a waking nightmare?
I've run out of time today to go back and replay it. Yes, I exited without saving. Sadly, all the saves I made up to this point, didn't stick. I'm back to the beginning of Sunday. Oh, well. at least it's progress, right?