Forum Discussion

Corrinus's avatar
3 years ago

How cool would this scenario be???

So I get to thinking on Valentines Day (yeah, that's where I went wrong lol), and I start thinking about Bob and Eliza and their...unique...marital situation. A few hours (and maybe a few drinks) later, and I've come up with this whole plan for a scenario :D What do you think? Would this be a scenario you'd play?
  • VWoodsong's avatar
    Seasoned Observer
    "Simmingal;c-18059428" wrote:
    I don't think id play it because scenarios and cut scenes both feel too restrictive to me and i don't really like when they meddle with premade stories after premades are already in the game

    like had they done this when they put pancakes in the game? fun.

    they do this now? meh. I already have my own ideas of how their story is supposed to be

    Very similar thoughts for me, except that I never play pre-mades at all. In fact, except for a few test-only purposes I delete most of them when I start a new save. I very much prefer making my own stories (with their own built-in scenarios), and if I did play any pre-mades that preference wouldn't change. And I don't know anything about cut scenes from past games, but I'm prrretty sure they'd never match what I'd want them to be for my stories, because things are not always "what they seem" in my game. Including owls. If we had any. Ahem. Anyway, I have never yet seen a game-mechanic scenario that made me wish to play it.
  • I may try it once; but this probably won't happen. We hadn't had cut scenes since Sims 2 (though I do miss them) and feels restricted since it is only for the Pancakes and I never play their household. But maybe if we ever get some sort of memory system, we can see some flashbacks of our sims lives.
  • "Plumbobi;d-997537" wrote:
    So I get to thinking on Valentines Day (yeah, that's where I went wrong lol), and I start thinking about Bob and Eliza and their...unique...marital situation. A few hours (and maybe a few drinks) later, and I've come up with this whole plan for a scenario :D What do you think? Would this be a scenario you'd play?

    I would play this. ?
    Bob and Eliza are my favourite Sims. They’re always in every save. Although so far they never reach the end.