Forum Discussion

xVyolette's avatar
Rising Rookie
2 years ago

How long do 'new' EPs take to go on sale?

I tried doing a search for this and couldn't find any answers, sorry if I missed something. But I was wondering, how long does it usually take before a new expansion pack goes on sale? Does it take a year or something? I've never waited for a sale before, but I feel like that might have to be the case with Horse Ranch Expansion.. so was wondering for those that usually wait for sales to get EPs/Packs if anyone knew the time frame. Thank you very much!

11 Replies

  • Yamimi's avatar
    New Spectator
    2 years ago
    Next big sale should be on labor day but since horse ranch will still be relatively new it'll probably be excluded. If so then it should definitely be 25% off by black friday.