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simmer_whovian's avatar
8 years ago

How long does a childhood/teen phase last?

Does anyone know? I'm curious. So far I have two children who have been in the Clingy and Mean Streak phase respectively for a couple of days now so it definitely lasts more than a day. Their two teen sisters have yet to experience a phase but they were both in the Clingy phase when they aged up so maybe that is influencing things somehow? I really like the phases and would like to learn more about them. Does anyone have more info about them?
  • > @Hadron1776 said:
    > ChildhoodPhase_Buffs 4320
    > ...The trait is only supposed to last 3 days. If you've had yours for over 2 weeks, it's probably because the buff's 'loot_on_remove' failed. Meaning it won't go away on its own, and you should just remove it with cheats.
    > traits.remove_trait trait_ChildhoodPhase_Clingy

    Thank you! I will have to try this. I think it's also worth noting that I have aging turned off, I'm going to turn it on and see if anything happens after a few sim days.
  • I'm having a similar problem, my children and teens enter a phase and stay in that phase forever, but not only that, I can't have the parents ask about the phase anymore. That option is gone along with "force to" and "cheer up parent" that you use on other parents in the family. There may be others missing that I don't remember, but the parenting options do appear on other families. It's just my main family that some of the options have disappeared which is really sad to me. I've removed the mods folder, repaired the game through origin, and deleted cache. I've also tested out moving the family to another household, and cheating their parenting skill down to 1 then back up to 10 again to see if there were any changes.
  • Truet318's avatar
    New Spectator
    "Hadron1776;c-15825436" wrote:
    There are things you can do to reduce the time.

    Such as?
  • I'm not sure if this is a phase or just something that is either a part of a phase or a start to one but one of my teens continuously gets the 'Familial Distress' buff whenever she's around literally ANY of her family members and I can't seem to get rid of it. Since she's in a house with 7 other people, she's constantly tense. It's starting to get rather annoying because I'm trying to work on her emotional control before she ages up but of course thanks to this buff, she always shouts forbidden words or throws tantrums. It's enough of a hassle having to look after a busy toddler who loves to wander off and douse the floors and rugs in a fresh coat of paint. I've tried just about everything I know to do from having her jog to clear her mind to ranting in her journal, grounding her which only makes things worse, venting to other people, discussing her stressed mood, and calming her down in the mirror. None of these things seem to work. Her parents can't talk to her about it as there isn't an option for it. She had a good childhood, and everything except her emotional control meter is almost maxed out. Could this be a glitch or is there just something that I'm doing wrong?
  • "aubsupernova;c-16968257" wrote:
    I'm not sure if this is a phase or just something that is either a part of a phase or a start to one but one of my teens continuously gets the 'Familial Distress' buff whenever she's around literally ANY of her family members and I can't seem to get rid of it. Since she's in a house with 7 other people, she's constantly tense. It's starting to get rather annoying because I'm trying to work on her emotional control before she ages up but of course thanks to this buff, she always shouts forbidden words or throws tantrums. It's enough of a hassle having to look after a busy toddler who loves to wander off and douse the floors and rugs in a fresh coat of paint. I've tried just about everything I know to do from having her jog to clear her mind to ranting in her journal, grounding her which only makes things worse, venting to other people, discussing her stressed mood, and calming her down in the mirror. None of these things seem to work. Her parents can't talk to her about it as there isn't an option for it. She had a good childhood, and everything except her emotional control meter is almost maxed out. Could this be a glitch or is there just something that I'm doing wrong?

    sounds like the phase got stuck.. try the remove all buffs cheat.. should get rid of the hidden phase buff too.
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    Please don't necropost in old threads,. I'm going to go ahead and close off this thread now as it has been inactive since 2017, If you have any questions about necroposting you can read this thread here : Necroposting